
National Toll Free:


Wang Xintong
  • Number:(86-10)57096089
  • National Toll Free:400-700-3900
  • E-mail:wangxintong@king-capital.com
  • Office:Beijing
  • Number:(86-10)57096089
  • 400-700-3900

  • E-mail:wangxintong@king-capital.com
  • Office:Beijing
Working experience

Lawyer Wang works at Beijing King & Capital Law Firm as a senior counsel in the criminal department.

She specializes in white-collar crime,internet crime, and cases with foreign elements.

She also provides legal consultation service to organizations and companies.

Before joining King & Capital, she had worked with three major international criminal courts in The Hague, the Netherlands, at the office of the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal, Trial Chamber I of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (in Charles Taylor Judgment drafting team) and Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (as a member of Prosecutor v. Momcilo Perisic trial team).

She obtained an Advanced LLM degree in Public International Law with  specialization in international criminal law from Leiden University, the Netherlands.

She also attended advanced professional training on international humanitarian, human rights and criminal law in Poland,France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. In 2019, she was selected to participate in the British Bar Council Training Scheme and worked in top commercial and criminal Barrister’s Chambers in London.

Educational background

Jul 2012 Trier, Germany-Certificate of European Criminal Justice Academy of European Law

Sep 2011 La Rochelle, France-Certificate of Symposium sur la justice transitionnelle, L'Association Internationale de Droit Pénal

Jun ‐ Jul 2011 Warsaw, Poland-Certificate of 29th Course on International Humanitarian Law, ICRC and Polish Red Cross

May 2011 Siracusa, Italy-Certificate of International Criminal Law and Islamic Law (Crime/Punishment, Law of Armed Conflict and Treaty Obligations in Sharia) International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences

Jul 2010 - Aug 2010 The Hague, The Netherlands-Certificate of Public International Law Course
(Post Conflict Justice, Independence of the International Judges) The Hague Academy of International Law

Jul 2009 Strasbourg, France-Certificate of International Human Rights Law (Detention in international human rights law) International Institute of Human Rights