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The case handled by Ms. Alice Liang was selected as one of the outstanding legal cases in "Echoes of the Rule of Law" 2021.
Released on:2022-05-31

On May 10, 2022, the award ceremony of "Echo of Rule of Law" 2021 Outstanding Legal Cases was held in Beijing, which was organized by Law Union. King&Capital Law Firm's senior partner and director of King&Capital Criminal Defense Research Center, Ms. Liang Yali, whose case "Wang Moumou, the legal representative of a special steel group, is suspected of contract fraud, etc." was selected as one of the 2021 Outstanding Legal Cases in the category of Criminal Defense by the organizer.

In order to explore the excellent case results of the legal service industry in the past year, and to encourage and guide the high-quality development of the legal service industry with excellent cases, since March 25, 2022, Law Union has launched the "Echoes of the Rule of Law" 2021 Outstanding Legal Cases Collection and Selection Activity, which is based on the principles of public interest and objectivity, and was selected by the organizer and the judging committee. Following the principles of public interest and objectivity, the first batch of excellent legal cases were selected from the declared cases by the organizer and the jury.

At the award ceremony, the organizer of the event said that legal cases are the works of lawyers, and also the micro embodiment of their participation in and practice of the construction of the rule of law in the country. Excellent legal cases, often realize the unity of legal effect and social effect, represents the honor and badge of legal people, contains the lawyer's legal wisdom, professional level and case art. Therefore, every excellent case represents the echo of the rule of law, which not only highlights the power of the law, but also reflects the progress of the rule of law in China, and we hope that the voice of the rule of law will be transmitted to more people through the case selection.

In the list released by the organizer, "Wang Moumou, the legal representative of a special steel group, is suspected of contract fraud" declared by Liang Yali was selected as one of the outstanding legal cases in the "Echoes of the Rule of Law" 2021 (criminal defense category).

The case is a debt dispute between a state-owned enterprise and a private enterprise transformed into a criminal charge, which is of typical significance in the legal issues related to equity transfer disputes. The defendant WangMouMou is a private enterprise in xinjiang, a special steel group's legal representative, in the case of the first trial investigation stage, the original investigating authorities identified contract fraud 80.19 million yuan, job occupation 11.7 million yuan, fraud 5.967 million yuan, three facts, three crimes, the amount of nearly 100 million yuan.

Liang Yali lawyer served as Wang Moumou first instance defense. This case in the examination and prosecution stage, Liang Yali lawyer on the case evidence for detailed combing, many times to meet with the client, the investigation of the case identified facts objections to the undertaking prosecutor submitted to the attorney's opinion and other written materials, the prosecutor adopted Liang Yali lawyer put forward part of the lawyer's opinion, Wang Moumou involved in the crime of contract fraud, misappropriation of the crime of deciding not to prosecute, and only to the crime of fraud indictment.

After the first trial, the party WangMouMou continue to commission LiangYaLi lawyer as the second trial defender, the second trial court hearing, adopted LiangYaLi lawyer's defense, that the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, the second trial court ruled that the remand. The family members of the parties involved in the Liang Yali lawyer's professionalism and conscientious and responsible attitude to work highly recognized.