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The Party branch of King&Capital Law Firm organizes the study of the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of Beijing Municipality
Released on:2022-07-12

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of Beijing Municipality, at 3:00 p.m. on July 7, 2022, Xiao Shuwei, the secretary of the General Party Branch of King&Capital Law Firm, organized the party members of King&Capital Law Firm to convene the theoretical study meeting of the General Party Branch, focusing on the study of the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of Beijing Municipality, and deploying King&Capital Law Firm to do a good job in the implementation and execution of the spirit of the meeting. Some members of King&Capital General Party Branch and some secretaries of party branches attended the meeting.

Mr. Xiao Shuwei, Secretary of the General Party Branch of King&Capital Law Firm, announced the spirit of the meeting.

Mr. Xiao emphasized that the Party branch of King&Capital Law Firm should play a leading role in combining the study of the spirit of the Thirteenth Party Congress with the in-depth development of the activities of "Ten Thousand Lawyers and Party Members Helping Communities, People's Satisfaction Me First", abide by the professional ethics, enhance the professional level, improve the ability to provide services, and consciously do the work of resolutely defending the "two establishments", enhancing the "four consciousnesses", "four consciousnesses", "four principles", and "four principles". "Four consciousness", firm "four confidence", "two maintenance". Closely combined with the new requirements of the new era of lawyers, conscientiously fulfill their duties, practice social responsibility, for economic and social development to provide strong legal services.

King&Capital party branch part of the party members seriously study the spirit of the meeting

At the study meeting, the party members studied the report of Comrade Cai Qi on behalf of the twelfth CPC Beijing Municipal Committee to the General Assembly entitled "under the guidance of Xi Jinping new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strive to write a comprehensive construction of socialist modernization of Beijing chapter", and combined with the actuality of their own work, and exchange of learning experience.