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King&Capital lawyers Ms. Alice Liang and Ms. Ying Xu were appointed as "Volunteer Messengers of Elderly Rights Protection" by China Volunteer Association.
Released on:2022-10-08

On September 28, 2022, the launching ceremony of the "Elderly Rights Protection Volunteer Messenger" activity of China Volunteer Association was held in Beijing Happy Nursing Home. Ms. Liang Yali, senior partner of King&Capital Law Firm and director of King&Capital Criminal Defense Research Center, and Ms. Xu Ying, senior partner of King&Capital Law Firm, were invited to participate in the launching ceremony and were appointed as the first batch of "Volunteer Elderly Rights Envoys".

Mr. Yuan Yuan, Vice President of CVCA, delivered a speech for the event, and Mr. Li Kui, Executive Deputy Director of the Legal Committee of CVCA, presided over the launching ceremony. Dr. Yang Bo, Associate Professor of Law at the School of Urban Management of Beijing Open University and member of the Expert Advisory Committee of China Volunteer Association, Officer Qin Xueqing of the Political Office of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Transportation General Command, Officer Shang Changping of Songjiazhuang Police Station of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Transportation General Command, and ten volunteer messengers for elderly rights protection from the Beijing King&Capital Law Firm, including senior partner Ms. Liang Ya Li and senior partner Ms. Xu Ying. Ten representatives of "Volunteer Messengers for Elderly Rights" were invited to attend the launching ceremony and participate in the discussion and exchange of ideas.

Launching Ceremony

Mr. Yuan Yuan, Vice President of China Volunteer Association, delivered a speech.

On behalf of China Volunteer Association, Vice President Yuan Yuan expressed her warm congratulations on the organization of the activity and paid tribute to the dedication of the majority of legal service volunteers. The activity carried out by the Committee of Legal Service Volunteers is a positive response to the national work of caring for the elderly, and is of great significance in calling on the whole society to pay attention to, care for and concern about the elderly, creating a good social environment for the elderly to enjoy a happy old age, and endeavoring to create a good social atmosphere of respecting the elderly, honoring the elderly, and loving the elderly. She pointed out that volunteer service is an important symbol of the progress of social civilization, is an important channel for the majority of volunteers to dedicate their love. It is hoped that all the elderly rights volunteer messengers can carry forward the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", insist on walking with the times, dedication to the people, write the story of Lei Feng in the new era with practical actions, and through diversified forms and ways, the "Elderly Rights Volunteer Messengers" activity will really benefit the elderly. Through diversified forms and ways, the "Volunteer Elderly Rights Envoys" activities really benefit the elderly groups and unite the general public to contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Vice President Yuan Yuan issued letters of appointment to the ten representatives of "Volunteer Messengers for Senior Citizens' Rights Protection" who attended the ceremony.

Mr. Yuan Yuan, vice president of CVCA, presented a letter of appointment to Ms. Liang Yali, a lawyer.

Mr. Yuan Yuan, vice president of CVCA, presented a letter of appointment to Ms. Xu Ying, a lawyer.

Group photo of the representatives of "Elderly Rights Protection Volunteer Envoys".

Lawyer Liang Yali speaking at the forum

In the forum, Liang Yali said that she was honored to participate in the launching ceremony of "Elderly Rights Volunteer Emissary" of China Volunteer Association, and was also very honored to be a member of the Elderly Rights Volunteer Emissary to dedicate her love and help for the majority of elderly people. In recent years, the number of fraud cases involving the elderly has been increasing, and senior citizen fraud has become a widespread concern in society, with frauds mainly manifesting themselves in the form of "investment in old age", "housing for old age", "old age bank", "investment bank", "investment bank", "investment bank", "investment bank", "investment bank", "investment bank" and "investment bank". ", "investment return" and so on. According to statistics, China's 60 years old and over the elderly has reached 267 million, accounting for 18.9% of the total population, the elderly base is larger. With the arrival of the digital age, many elderly people's rhythm of life can not be synchronized with the times, there is a lag in the understanding of new things, the use of Internet tools are not familiar with the problem, coupled with the existing social supply of security and preventive publicity and education is insufficient, so that the elderly groups in front of all kinds of new scams become vulnerable, as "lambs to the slaughter".

Liang Yali lawyer after the analysis of various cases, summed up the reasons for the frequent occurrence of elderly fraud mainly lies in, first, with the development of society, science and technology, fraud means itself is ever-changing, indefensible; Second, because the elderly on the new fraud is not enough to understand, the lack of awareness of the lack of precautionary measures, at the same time weaker awareness of the rights of the elderly in the process of being defrauded in a timely manner can not be collected and retained evidence of information, so that criminals have Opportunity to take advantage of.

Liang Yali lawyer pointed out that, as a special protection group of society, the elderly can get comprehensive and effective protection, is one of the important standards to measure the development of the rule of law in our country. Believe that with the Chinese Volunteer Association "the elderly rights volunteer messenger" program started, the legal rights of the elderly group protection work will get a great degree of promotion.

Liang Yali also introduced that a number of lawyers from King&Capital Criminal Defense Research Center published research articles and case studies on the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, such as pension fraud, and publicized the knowledge of self-protection to the elderly groups in different ways, and called on them to be more vigilant, to enhance their legal awareness, and to beware of new types of frauds. The lawyers of King&Capital Law Firm not only pay attention to the demands of their clients and constantly pursue better legal services; they also have the conscious awareness of maintaining social fairness and justice, and each of them contributes to the construction of the socialist rule of law with their own actions.

At the end of the speech, Liang Yali lawyer also called on colleagues and the majority of legal workers here, pay attention to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, fight against elder fraud, carry out the public interest in public interest, public service mission, is the era and the law of the historical responsibility given by the law, lawyers should hold hands, circle, concerted efforts to build a wall of love for the elderly group, for the elderly rights cause dedication to dedicate their own share of force.

Lawyer Xu Ying spoke at the symposium

Lawyer Xu Ying pointed out in his speech that, under the trend of social aging, the concern and protection of the rights and interests of the elderly groups, is a heavy responsibility and mission of the legal people. 2022 April, the Peaceful China Construction Coordination Group took the lead in the deployment of the national crackdown on the remediation of old age fraud special action, the Central Political and Law Commission, the Central Office of Internet Information Office, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and other 12 units to participate in the special activity, the specifications of the high, strong and powerful, the special activity is to combat the elderly. The high specification and strength of the special activity is unprecedented. King&Capital lawyers have been paying attention to and studying the legal protection of the rights and interests of the elderly since a long time ago, through writing articles, case analysis, crime explanation, recording small videos and other ways to promote the popularization of the law to the elderly, especially for the elderly health care products industry in-depth study, which has gained a very good social effect.

With the acceleration of aging in China, the market scale of health care products for the elderly is expanding, and according to the forecasts of research institutions, it is expected that the market scale of China's pension health care food industry will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2022. The market scale of senior health care products is expected to be huge. After a large number of cases combing, we found that the use of health care products for the elderly in the act of fraud, the fraudster are targeting and use of the elderly on the common weak points: emotional emptiness, easy to give people with the intention to take advantage of the opportunity to hush, thoughtful, easy to obtain the trust of the elderly; health consciousness increased, the physical quality of the weak, the need for health care products more, in the purchase of health care products is more focused on the product's Efficacy, easy to be seized by the pain point and consumption; judgment ability declines, in the purchase of health care products, the elderly are more likely to be impressed by a variety of exaggerated efficacy, but do not pay much attention to the health care products of the word of mouth and the brand; have a certain amount of savings. The weakness of the elderly, to the criminals can take advantage of the opportunity.

Xu Ying lawyers believe that the rights of the elderly can be divided into two stages, three dimensions. The two stages are before the publicity of the law and rights after the event, before the publicity of the law can play a role in preventing the role of the law, to help the elderly to improve the ability to recognize the risk, to avoid legal rights and interests are violated. The three dimensions include the first of the rights of the elderly; the second of the elderly children and relatives and friends of the mission, awakening the children and relatives of the elderly concern; the third is to the society of the propaganda of the law, individuals should realize what behavior can be, what can not be, the enterprise should know the legal compliance operation, do not for the sake of the momentary interests, the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly violation.

Finally, Ms. Xu Ying pointed out that she hoped to make use of the platform of China Volunteer Association to utilize her professional skills and make greater contribution to the society.

Leaders of China Volunteer Association took a group photo with the representatives of volunteer messengers.