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Stable and far-reaching, and vigorously striving to progress! -King&Capital Law Firm Party members and lawyers watched the opening of the 20th Party Congress.
Released on:2022-10-18

On the morning of October 16th, the 20th national congress of the communist party of China opened in the great hall of the people in Beijing. In order to carry out the spirit of the General Assembly, fully implement the requirements of the party committee of the municipal lawyers industry, the party committee of King&Capital law firms attentively deployed, carefully arranged, in a variety of forms to organize the majority of party member lawyers to listen to and watch the opening ceremony of the party's twentieth session of the event, and talk about their feelings.

Xiao Shuwei, Party Secretary of King&Capital Law Firm:

"The victory of the 20th Party Congress marks that the construction of the rule of law and all aspects of China will enter a new stage. We lawyers should implement the Party's requirements, adhere to the law, in the process of legal services, so that the people feel fair and just in every case, and work together to create a new situation of socialism with Chinese characteristics!" Deeply touched.

King&Capital law firm party committee deputy secretary Zhu Yonghui:

"Welcome the 20th Party Congress, the Chinese Communist Party has led the Chinese people to make great achievements over the past 100 years! Firmly support the leadership of the CPC! As lawyers, we must practice the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping 'to accelerate the construction of the rule of law society, carry forward the socialist spirit of the rule of law', adhere to the professional ethics of lawyers, abide by the norms of practice of lawyers, for the party and the country to build the rule of law to add bricks and mortar, to do the party and the people's satisfaction with the lawyers!"

King&Capital law firm party member lawyer Liu Zhe:

"the twentieth party congress, about the party and the country's cause of succession, about the future destiny of socialism with Chinese characteristics, about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to inspire and mobilize the whole party, the whole army, the whole nation of all ethnic groups to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization, and comprehensively push forward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is of great significance. As an old party member, I must be physically active, do my job well, work hard, not forgetting the original intention, and fulfill the mission!"

We have expressed that we should study and implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress as a new impetus to comprehensively improve the level of work, at the new starting point, excel, courage and determination to move forward, hold the "baton" of the times, with practical action to strengthen the foundation of the rule of law society, unswervingly walk the road of the new era to catch up with the road to the rule of law China to make its due contribution to the construction of the rule of law! The Party Committee of Kyoto Law Firm was very pleased with the reception of this event!

King&Capital law firm party committee attaches great importance to watching the opening session of the twentieth party congress, before the meeting, specifically to the party branch, all party members issued a "notice", requiring all party members, lawyers to fully recognize and deeply understand the significance of the party's twentieth congress, will listen to and watch the twentieth session of the opening session of the grand event as an important political task to grasp and do a good job.