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University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Law School "King&Capital Cup" Series Activities Successfully Held
Released on:2022-11-02

On the afternoon of October 28, 2022, the "King&Capital Cup" series of activities of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCSS) was successfully held in the Duxue Lecture Hall of the Library of Liangxiang Campus. King&Capital Law Firm's Mr. Tian Wenchang, Mr. Liang Yali, Mr. Zhu Yalin, Mr. Wang Zhiqiang and other guests attended the event.

  This activity has five units, including the appointment ceremony of practice tutors, the lecture of Mr. Tian Wenchang, the award ceremony of the 2nd King&Capital Cup Essay Competition, the report and comment of the winning representatives of the essays, and the launching ceremony of the 2nd King&Capital Cup Legal Debate Competition. The event was co-organized by the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing King&Capital Law Firm, and the Criminal Defense Research Center of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

  The first unit of leadership speech

  This session was hosted by Prof. Wu Yong, Executive Dean of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Prof. Lin Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Vice President of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a speech.


  Prof. Wu Yong

  Prof. Wu firstly introduced King&Capital Law Firm, as a famous law firm in the industry, and its founder, Mr. Tian Wenchang, has an outstanding reputation in Chinese lawyers' circles. It is hoped that it will play a positive role in future exchanges and cooperation.


  Prof. Lin Wei

  Prof. Lin Wei firstly welcomed the arrival of the lawyers from King&Capital Law Firm. He said that as an applied discipline, law should not be limited to the theoretical study of textbooks, but should be more comprehensively understood by legal practitioners about the application process of legal practice. Through the long-term cooperation between King&Capital Law Firm, King&Capital Criminal Defense Research Center and the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UNCASS) and the Criminal Defense Research Center of UNCASS, it is hoped that the students as well as the legal researchers will benefit from it, and build a cooperative platform for the research and practice of the legal concepts together to cultivate more excellent talents in the rule of law.

  Unit 2 Appointment Ceremony of Practice Tutors of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCSS)

  This unit was presided over by Associate Professor Men Jinling, Executive Director of the Criminal Defense Research Center of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCSS). On behalf of the Faculty of Law of UCSS, Professor Wu Yuyi, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law of UCSS, presented a letter of appointment of the Practice Mentor to Attorney Liang Yali.


  Prof. Wu Yuyun presented the certificate of appointment to Mr. Liang Yali.


  Associate Prof. Men Jinling

  Associate Professor Men Jinling pointed out in the presidency that the Faculty of Law of the University of Social Sciences is a young law school, but this does not affect the students to enjoy the quality of educational resources, the combination of theoretical teaching and practice is the goal that the Faculty has been pursuing. The appointment of practice tutors is another appointment after the appointment of five lawyers, Tian Wenchang, Liu Bo, Xu Ying, Weng Xiaoping and Liu Lijie, last year. We are looking forward to more excellent lawyers to participate in the legal education of the University of Social Sciences, and to jointly cultivate a batch and batch of legal talents with theoretical literacy and practical ability.


  Ms. Alice Liang

  King&Capital Law Firm senior partner, director of the King&Capital Criminal Defense Research Center, Liang Yali lawyer said, the criminal defense research center of the University of Social Sciences and the Kyoto Criminal Defense Research Center has a deep affinity, can become the law school of the University of Social Sciences practice tutor is a great honor, practical lawyers need to be armed with the theory of theoretical learning and practical application of inextricably linked. Finally, Liang Yali lawyer thanked the law school and teachers trust, and said that in the future will do their best to support the school teachers and students, sincerely hope that King&Capital law firm and King&Capital criminal defense research center and the university of social sciences common growth and progress.

  Unit 3: Lecture by Mr. Tian Wenchang - Deep Thoughts on the Concept of Rule of Law

  This module was hosted by Prof. Li Weihong of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Lawyer Tian Wenchang, founder and honorary director of King&Capital Law Firm, consultant of the Criminal Practice Committee of the All-China Lawyers' Association, and honorary dean of the Institute of Advanced Criminal Defense Studies of Northwestern University of Political Science and Law, gave a lecture on the theme of "Deeper Reflections on the Concept of Rule of Law".


  Mr. Tian Wenchang

  Tian Wenchang's speech in-depth, to the development of the rule of law in China as a clue to explain one by one, with the enumeration and comparison method for the students to present a three-dimensional and multi-dimensional concept of the rule of law thinking, through a specific case so that online and offline to participate in the seminar of the students to comprehend the "rule of law concept" of the profound connotation of the teachers and students in the audience. Harvest. During the lecture, Mr. Tian Wenchang interacted with the students, encouraging them to think positively and ask questions boldly, and answered the questions for the students. The whole lecture was full of wonderful words and came to a successful end in the applause of all the teachers and students.


  Prof. Li Weihong

  Professor Li Weihong in the host expressed his admiration for the lawyer Tian Wenchang, Tian Wenchang's lectures on the wonderful summary of the speech, for the lawyer Tian Wenchang's "rule of law concepts of deep thinking" expressed very much recognition, and expects students to be able to uphold the original intention in their studies, focusing on the concept of thinking.

  The fourth unit of the second "King&Capital Cup" Criminal Law Essay Competition Award Ceremony, Essay Winning Representatives Report and Review

  In this unit, Ms. Men Jinling, Associate Professor of the Law School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University, read out the list of winners. Associate Professor Men Jinling congratulated the students who won the awards, and hoped that more students could actively participate in this kind of activities in the future to improve their writing and academic ability.


  Left: Zhang Yi Right: Wang Zhiqiang

  The winners of the Excellence Award (Graduate Student Group) were Yang Jian, Li Yanning and Huang Asia. Ms. Zhang Yi and Mr. Wang Zhiqiang of King&Capital Law Firm presented the awards to the winners.


  Left: Zhu Yalin Right: Men Jinling

  Third Prize (Graduate Student Group) went to Liu Peihong, Wei Xuyang and Li Wei, and Third Prize (Undergraduate Student Group) went to Liu Jin, Pei Yilin and Cao Yingyin, who were awarded by Ms. Zhu Yalin and Associate Professor Men Jinling.

  First from left: Ms. Liang Ya Li First from right: Mr. Sun Yuan

  Li Han and Li Yutian won the second prize (graduate students), and Li Guangzhao and Shi Jiaqi won the second prize (undergraduates). Ms. Alice Liang and Prof. Sun Yuan presented the awards to the winners.


  First left: Miao Mingyu First right: Tian Wenchang

  Mr. Zhou Yibo won the first prize (graduate student group) and Mr. Tian Yao won the first prize (undergraduate student group). Mr. Tian Wenchang and Mr. Miao Mingyu, vice dean of the school, presented the awards to the winners.

  Some of the award-winning students were unable to participate in this event on site due to epidemics and other reasons, and participated in this award ceremony through online. After the award ceremony, Tian Yao, undergraduate student of the class of 2019, Li Guangzhao, undergraduate student of the class of 2018 and master's degree student of procedural law of the class of 2022, Zhou Yibo, doctoral student of jurisprudence of the class of 2021, and Liu Peihong, doctoral student of criminal procedure law of the class of 2020, gave a brief report on their award-winning papers.


  Prof. Sun Yuan

  After the presentation, Prof. Sun Yuan of Law School of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCASS) briefly commented on the papers on behalf of the paper evaluation team. Prof. Sun Yuan suggested that thesis writing should "focus on the big picture and start from the small picture", and made key comments on the four presentation papers, pointing out the common misunderstandings in thesis writing of the students. Finally, Prof. Sun Yuan said that thesis writing should be more hands-on, combined with the method of repeated practice. Only by practicing hard and practicing more, the writing ability will be improved. He expects students to be able to "think big and act small" and enjoy the joy of essay writing in the process of analyzing and arguing.

  Launching Ceremony of "King&Capital Cup" Law Debate Competition

  This session was chaired by Associate Professor Miao Mingyu, Associate Dean of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


  Associate Professor Miao Mingyu

  Associate Professor Miao Mingyu said that the paper review session is a demonstration of the academic ability of law, but law is a discipline that closely integrates theory and practice, so we also need to understand and participate in practice. Associate Professor Miao Mingyu said that with the support of King&Capital Law Firm, the Faculty of Law of the University of Social Sciences of China will soon launch the second "Kyoto Cup" Legal Debate Competition, and hoped that students would actively participate in the competition and experience the charm of argumentation.


  Mr. Tian Wenchang

  Mr. Tian Wenchang, Honorary Director of King&Capital Law Firm, elaborated on the importance of cultivating practical ability in legal education, and put forward his earnest expectation to the students participating in the "Kyoto Cup" Legal Debate Competition, and expressed his good wishes for the upcoming debate competition.


  Mr. Liang Yali

  Finally, Mr. Liang Yali, senior partner of King&Capital Law Firm, announced the official launch of "Kyoto Cup" Legal Debate Competition. Thus, the series of activities of "King&Capital Cup" of the Law School of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences came to a successful conclusion.


  Group photo

  King&Capital Law Firm and Kyoto Criminal Defense Research Center have always taken the cultivation of young talents as one of their key tasks, aiming to give full play to the advantages in the cultivation of legal talents, realize the complementarity of the advantages between the law firm and the school, share resources, and jointly build a practical platform for the cultivation of applied and composite legal professionals, so as to cultivate more excellent professionals for the society and to provide better intellectual achievements of jurisprudence.

  The "King&Capital Cup" Mock Trial Series is supported by King&Capital Law Firm and is held in major universities all year round, aiming to help college students to learn in practice and improve their professional quality in mock trial competitions. King&Capital Law Firm has been working hard to enhance the authenticity and academics of the moot court, and to improve the professionalism and practicability of the moot court through the analysis of actual cases, so as to build a higher and broader communication and practice platform for the students.

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