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The 9th "King&Capital Cup" Criminal Moot Court Competition of China University of Political Science and Law was successfully concluded.
Released on:2022-05-17

On May 8, 2022, the 9th King&Capital Cup Criminal Mock Trial Competition of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), which was fully supported by Beijing Kyoto Law Firm, came to an end. The competition lasted for more than a month, and King&Capital lawyers Peng Jiyue, Feng Wang, Chen Xu, Zhu Yalin, Zhang Xiaofeng, Wan Xuewei, Zang Desheng, Nie Sufang, Weng Xiaoping, Xu Wei, Wang Xinlong, Meng Fan, Xia Jun and Xu Ying participated in all the sessions of the competition, and commented on the wonderful performance of the students.

Training Session on Courtroom Defense Skills

On March 25, 2022, the 9th King&Capital Cup Courtroom Argumentation Skills Training Session was held online, in which Prosecutor Wang Qilin from the Third Prosecution Department of Beijing Changping District People's Procuratorate, and lawyers Peng Jiyue and Feng Wang from Beijing King&Capital Law Firm were the guest speakers, providing comprehensive and detailed courtroom argumentation skills training to nearly 300 students online.

Prosecutor Wang Qilin demonstrated the main points of the public prosecutor's courtroom accusation from four aspects: the purpose and task of the public prosecutor's court appearance, the relevant norms to be observed in court, the basic principles of accusing a crime in court, and the methods of performing the duties in court.

Mr. Peng Jiyue, Mr. Feng Wang

Mr. Peng Jiyue started from the difference between the prosecution and the defense in the court debate, and talked about the purpose and focus of the court debate, combined with the video of the court trial and the outline of the court debate skills for in-depth explanation.

Mr. Feng Wang started from three aspects, through explaining the difference between the defense statement and other styles of writing, the difference between the defense statement and the court debate, as well as the precautions for the writing of the defense statement, to comprehensively analyze the problems and key points of the writing of the defense statement.

"King&Capital Cup Moot Court Points Competition and Finals

From April 9th to April 23rd, 2022, the "King&Capital Cup" Criminal Moot Court Competition was successfully held. The points competition was divided into six matches, which lasted for three weeks, and due to the influence of the epidemic, the competition was conducted in a combination of online and offline methods. King&Capital Law Firm lawyers Mr. Zhu Yalin, Mr. Chen Xu, Mr. Zhang Xiaofeng, Mr. Wan Xuewei, Mr. Weng Xiaoping, Mr. Nie Sufang, Mr. Xu Wei, Mr. Wang Xintong, Mr. Meng Fan, and Mr. Xia Jun attended the event and acted as the members of the panel, commenting on the performance of the students in the court.

Mr. Zhu Yalin and Mr. Chen Xu

Mr. Wan Xuewei, Mr. Zhang Xiaofeng

Mr. Weng Xiaoping, Mr. Nie Sufang

Mr. Xu Wei, Mr. Wang Xinlong

Meng Fan, Xia Jun

Activity Scene

On May 8, 2022, the final round of "King&Capital Cup" Criminal Mock Trial Competition was held online. Ms. Xu Ying, senior partner of King&Capital Law Firm, attended and acted as a judge to comment on the performance of the students.

First of all, the prosecutor read out the indictment, the defendant is suspected of provoking trouble, intentional injury, the defendant does not recognize the facts and charges. Prosecution and defense sides asked the defendant on related issues one after another. The prosecution believes that the defendant Liu Zhuangzhuang's behavior constitutes provocation and intentional injury, the facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient. The defense argues that the indictment accuses the defendant of criminal facts are unclear, insufficient evidence. Court investigation stage, the prosecution applicant Tang Da court, used to prove the defense said the lack of sufficient evidence.

Court debate session, the prosecution argued that the defendant's previous multiple transcripts are stable and reliable, the evidence of the crime is conclusive and sufficient, should constitute the crime of provoking trouble and intentional injury in accordance with the law. The defense argued that the defendant's actions could not be evaluated as acts of provoking trouble, and that the defendant should be mitigated, reduced or exempted from punishment for intentional injury according to the law. The defendant made his final statement, the presiding judge adjourned the trial, and the panel retired to deliberate.

Attorney Xu Ying

Attorney Xu Ying gave full recognition to the performance of both the prosecution and the defense, and she reminded the students that the judge should be the center of the exchange of debates. When presenting the public prosecution or defense submissions, the prosecution and defense should respond to the previous questions in a timely manner, and the debate between the two sides should be centered on the focus of the controversy. The students benefited greatly from the judges' guidance based on the real trial scene and their own experience in handling cases.

"King&Capital Three Talks" Lecture

On April 13, 2022, the "King&Capital Three People Talk" lecture was successfully held online. Associate Professor Zeng Wenke from the School of Criminal Justice of China University of Political Science and Law, Prosecutor Gao Yang from Beijing Changping District People's Procuratorate, and Lawyer Zang Desheng from Beijing King&Capital Law Firm were present at the seminar. "King&Capital Three Talks", organized by the Outreach Department of the Student Union of the School of Criminal Justice of China University of Political Science and Law in cooperation with Kyoto Law Firm, discussed the theme of the event, which was the criminal law and regulations on trafficking and buying of women and children, and the three guests expressed their own views on the theme.

First of all, Mr. Zang Desheng affirmed the positive role played by the existing laws on the issue of trafficking and buying of women and children, and at the same time pointed out the current judicial dilemma of trafficking and buying. Aiming at the present situation, Mr. Zang put forward his own ideas on the direction of further stopping abduction, trafficking and buying, and talked about the four features of the current law, namely, the heavy criminalization of abduction and trafficking, the light criminalization of buying, the criminalization of obstruction, and the intensification of the judicial norms, which made a good start for this seminar.

Afterwards, Prosecutor Gao Yang responded to Mr. Zang's question on how to implement and strengthen the judicial work on trafficking and buying from the perspective of the prosecution with his many years of practical experience. Prosecutor Gao Yang took the actual law enforcement as the starting point and systematized that the judicial personnel related to trafficking and buying should pay attention to their own legal level, grasp the criminals' fluke mentality, and control the law enforcement efforts.

Finally, Associate Professor Zeng Wenke broadened his analysis. Through systematic explanation and other methods, he talked about the advantages and disadvantages of statutory sentencing adjustments, and clarified the deep reflection on the statutory sentencing adjustments related to the issue of trafficking and buying of women and children.

After the lecture, the seminar entered into a discussion session. The three guests expressed their views and discussed the possibilities of our laws on trafficking and buying. In the question session, the three guests gave objective and detailed answers to the different questions raised by the students from their own positions.

Finally, the moderator made a brief summary of the lecture, saying that this lecture has played a positive role in improving legal literacy, and expressed his gratitude to the guests and the audience. At this point, "King&Capital three people talk" seminar ended successfully.

The "King&Capital Cup" Mock Trial Series is supported by King&Capital Law Firm and is held in major universities all year round, aiming to help university students learn in practice and improve their professional quality in mock trial competitions. King&Capital Law Firm has been working hard to enhance the authenticity and academic nature of the moot court, and through the analysis of actual cases to improve the professionalism and practicality of the moot court, and to build a higher and broader communication and practice platform for the students.