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Thank you for your love - The 10th Anniversary of the Izumi Project
Released on:2022-09-01

On August 29th, "Thank you for 'not' love forward - 'Spring' plan 10th anniversary symposium" was successfully held in the conference room of Fangshan Court. As the initiator of "Quan Program", King&Capital Law Firm, together with the National People's Congress, leaders of Fangshan District, leaders of Fangshan Court, caring people of "Quan Program" and students and parents of "Quan Program" recipients. "The meeting was attended by the students and their parents. Tian Wenchang, the founder and honorary director of King&Capital Law Firm, attached great importance to this activity and delivered a speech via remote video. Xiao Shuwei, the secretary of the Party Committee of King&Capital Law Firm, and Qin Qingfang, the member of the Party Committee of King&Capital Law Firm for United Front Work, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

Conference Scene

The meaning of "Spring Program" is taken from the famous poem "Small Pond" written by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty: "The spring is silent and cherishes the fine flow, the shade of the tree loves the water to be soft and sunny. The small lotus is only showing its tip, and the dragonfly is already on top of it". The Chinese character "泉" means "to turn love into gurgling spring water, trickling out and never drying up", which expresses our care and expectation for the children.

In June 2012, the Party branch of Beijing King&Capital Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as King&Capital Law Firm) initiated the activity of helping children with love, and contacted the Minors' Trial Court of Fangshan District People's Court. In the course of the trial, the Fangshan District People's Court found that eight children with good grades and outstanding performance, despite their difficult family conditions, met the requirements of the recipients of the love school aid. After receiving the information of the eight poor students, the King&Capital Law Firm made on-site visits to the homes of these eight children. After the on-site visit and in-depth communication with the recipients, King&Capital Law Firm decided to provide support to these eight children with difficult family conditions with love bursary to help the children successfully complete their studies.

Group photo with students and parent representatives of the "Izumi Project".

The "Spring Program" has set up the "Financial Aid for Students" and the "Award Fund for Outstanding Students", and so far it has helped 14 outstanding students, and granted 10 grants and 8 scholarships in total. Before the Spring Festival, King&Capital Law Firm made a home visit to send the children holiday supplies and distribute condolence money. At present, 10 of the 14 students have been admitted to universities, of which 4 students have graduated and are working, 1 student is studying for a master's degree; 2 students have been admitted to key high schools in the city and district.

Founder and Honorary Director of King&Capital Law Firm, Mr. Tian Wenchang, made a speech.

Mr. Tian Wenchang, founder and honorary director of King&Capital Law Firm, expressed his high hope on "Quan Plan" through remote video, and said that King&Capital Law Firm's "Quan Plan" public welfare education assistance activities not only provide financial assistance for the children, but also provide them with spiritual support, that is, solving their practical difficulties. That is, for them to solve the practical difficulties, but also let them look to the future, so that the children from depression to self-confidence and self-improvement. During these ten years, our lawyers have witnessed the growth of the children, and at the same time have been touched by their resilience and unyielding. Our lawyers not only participate in the activities themselves, but also bring their children to participate together, so that the children become good friends, and realize the inheritance of love, I hope that in the future more lawyers and the public can participate in the activities, so that the love of small streams into a big river, so that more children to get help, I hope that the children of the "spring program" can be the will of the direction, no firmness, and step into the future, so that the children of the "spring program" can be the will of the direction, no firmness, and step into the future. We hope that the children of the "Spring Program" will be able to achieve what they want to achieve, and that they will be able to take every step forward and develop a better future for themselves. Accumulate small love into big love, ten years of "spring program" activities have achieved certain results, King&Capital law firms through this love activities to further establish the image of legal justice and love of the people, love and conscience are born out of each other, public welfare and justice complement each other. Care for minors, spread the spirit of the rule of law, spread the concept of public welfare, inheritance of love action. Plant a seed, raise a hope. The "Spring Program" brings together the love of all colleagues of King&Capital Law Firm to pass on love and happiness, and we believe that as long as there is love in our hearts, hope will be ignited.

Speech by Qin Qingfang, member of the Party Committee of King&Capital and initiator of the "Spring Program".

King&Capital law firm party committee member of the United Front Work Committee, "spring plan" initiator Qin Qingfang fondly recalled that King&Capital law firm "spring plan" sprouted and grew on March 8, 2012, by the Kyoto law firm party branch initiative to carry out the love of school activities. The original intention of the "spring program" is to let the King&Capital law firm and the judge's love can be passed on, this love not only includes financial assistance, but also includes a lot of material and spiritual support, because the children's life is still a long way, their difficulties are not only limited to the economic, they also need to care for the soul, the direction of the direction of life to lead. Mr. Qin looked back on the past ten years and firmly believed that in the next ten years, we in King&Capital will continue to practice the socialist core values and work together to make every child feel respected and loved in the "Spring Program".

Speech by Mr. Xiao Shuwei, Secretary of the Party Committee of King&Capital Law Office

Mr. Xiao Shuwei, the secretary of the Party Committee of King&Capital Law Firm, on behalf of all the lawyers and party members of King&Capital, sent a message of love, Mr. Xiao said, time flies, ten years have passed quickly, and the children we have helped have grown up, and we are pleased and proud of this. I hope that the children continue to study hard, to develop strong skills, and in the future for the strength of the motherland, the people's happiness, to contribute their strength. As long as everyone dedicates a little love, let the positive energy circulate in the society, our big family will become more cozy, the society will become more harmonious, the world will become more wonderful. King&Capital Law Firm and the Party Committee of King&Capital Law Firm will, as always, dedicate our love and implement the "Spring Program", so that our children can study at ease, live happily and grow up healthily.

Scene of the meeting

Representatives of the students and parents of the "Izumi Program" spoke one after another, saying that the love of the "Izumi Program" has given them strength and hope today. Every time they received grants, scholarships, school supplies and daily necessities, they were touched and excited from the bottom of their hearts, which was a heavy and rich love. These families have nothing to offer in return but to do their best to educate their children so that they can learn to be good human beings, know how to be thankful, learn to be successful, and return to the society. There are also some students who did not go home due to the epidemic "Spring Program" also carried out remote video participation, they said that although they could not arrive at the 10th anniversary of the scene, but the "Spring Program" to bring their own help has always been in mind, we have said in the completion of their education, they also want to participate in more public service activities. They all said that after completing their studies, they would like to participate in more public welfare activities and pass on the love to more people.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)